The symptoms of insect bites or stings vary depending on the severity of the body's reaction to the insect's venom. Most reactions are mild, with an annoying itch or a stinging sensation and slight swelling. Bites or stings that are severe should receive immediate medical treatment.
Symptoms of Mild Bites or Stings
- Minor swelling
- Soreness or pain
- Redness with itching or burning
Symptoms of Severe Bites or Stings
- Trouble breathing or swallowing
- Swelling in your mouth or throat
- Nausea or vomiting
- Reddish rash or hives
- Dizziness or loss of consciousness
- Dark or black appearance to bite center
- Significant swelling or blistering around the bite
Treating Mild Bites or Stings
- When treating bug bites & stings, you should use extra caution and move away from the area to avoid additional bites or stings.
- To reduce pain and swelling, apply a cold pack or cloth filled with ice.
- Apply a 1% or 0.5% hydrocortisone cream, calamine lotion or a baking soda paste to the bite or sting several times a day.
- To prevent infection, refrain from scratching. If you have an infected bug bite or sting, consider seeking medical treatment to prevent further complications.
Treating Severe Bites or Stings
Severe bites or stings should always receive immediate medical treatment.
Call 911 or get immediate medical help if:
- There are no signs of breathing
- There is difficulty breathing, such as wheezing
- There is swelling of the lips or tongue
While waiting for medical treatment:
- Check for special medications, such as an EpiPen®, that the affected person might be carrying to treat a severe allergic reaction. An EpiPen® can be used to treat anaphylactic shock.
- If possible, have the person take an over-the-counter antihistamine as directed on the bottle.
- Have the person lie still on their back with feet held above heart level.
- Do not offer anything to drink.
- Loosen tight clothing. Cover the person with a blanket.
- If there is vomiting, turn the person to the side to prevent choking.
When you are bitten or stung, your first step should be heading inside and away from the source of the bite or sting. Gently wash the area with warm water and soap, then use an ice pack to prevent swelling. If you’re in pain, over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used, as well as diphenhydraminel if you are dealing with excessive itching. However, your own care shouldn’t take the place of getting help from a medical expert.
Concerned about a bug bite or sting? Schedule an appointment or walk in to your neighborhood MedExpress from 8 to 8. We’ll give you a thorough medical evaluation and may even prescribe medication for pain and itch relief, as well as to prevent any more complications.
EpiPen® is a registered trademark of Mylan Inc.