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Hypothermia happens when the body’s temperature suddenly drops because of exposure to cold. Learn about symptoms and treatment.


Hypothermia, or an abnormally low body temperature, occurs when you are exposed to cold temperatures and your body begins to lose heat faster than it can be produced. 

This results in drops in body temperature from 98.6 to 95F or lower. Typically, it is only a concern if you have been in cold water or outdoors without proper protection for an extended period of time.

Symptoms of hypothermia

If you notice any of the symptoms below, seek immediate medical treatment.

  • Shaking or shivering.
  • Weakness, lethargy or sleepiness
  • Numbness 
  • Incoherence or memory loss, unable to think clearly.
  • Low pulse rate.

Hypothermia occurs when you are exposed to cold temperatures and your body begins to lose heat faster than it can be produced. 

Treating hypothermia

Take the person’s temperature immediately. The CDC states that if a person’s temperature is below 95, the person needs immediate medical attention. Call 911 immediately if you suspect someone is suffering from hypothermia.

Bring them inside and wrap them in blankets to retain body heat. Do not expose them to any direct heat sources like fireplaces, radiators or heating pads.

Preventing hypothermia

To prevent hypothermia, follow these helpful tips:

  • Avoid going outdoors or prolonged exposure during extreme cold weather. If you must be outdoors for any period of time, it is very important that you dress appropriately and have exposed skin covered.
  • Prepare your home and car in advance for winter emergencies. Make sure you have snacks and warm clothing and blankets available in case of an emergency.
  • Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of frostbite.
  • Children at school bus stops, those who work outdoors or outdoor winter enthusiasts should practice additional caution to make sure they are appropriately dressed and won’t remain outdoors for extended periods.
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